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1- Prefab Modular 2x40' HC + 2x20' HC 2 Bedroom
1- Meadow on Deventer City Beach Shipping Container
1- Seoul Youth Zone Shipping Container Building
1- 3 Story Shipping Container House with Inner Courtyard
1- Two-Story Shipping Container House Built from
1- Shipping Container 4 Story House - Office, Cafe
1- Shipping Container Home with Artificial Green Roof
1- Shipping Container Homes by Steele House
1- Beautiful Two-Story 4x40ft and 1x20ft Shipping Container Home
1- Simple but Sophisticated and Aesthetic
1- Modular 4 x 40' Shipping Container Office, Brazil
1- 3 Bedroom Shipping Container Home, New Orleans
1- Beautiful Two Story Shipping Container Home, Peru
1- 20 ft Small and Cozy Shipping Container House, NSW
1- Shipping Container Cabins and Homes by Tomecek
1- 2x40 ft and 2x20 ft Shipping Container Home by Pro
1- White Minimalist Shipping Container Home
1- EBA51 - Shipping Container Student Village
1- Sheltainer - Modular Shipping Container Housing
1- Shipping Container Low-Cost Single-Family Home, Peru
1- Shipping Container Homes, Buildings and Structures
1- Beautiful 3000 sqft 5 Bedroom Shipping Containers
1- Casa Conteiner RD - 3 Bedroom Shipping Container
1- LightHotel - 120 sq ft Shipping Container Tiny Home
1- Puruna Observatory - Shipping Container Education
1- 4x45 ft Shipping Container Home with Metal Siding
1- 3 Bedroom Tropical Shipping Container Home, Indonesia
1- La Casa Container - 2 Bedroom Shipping Container Home
1- Box Hop Shipping Container Homes, Ohio, USA
1- 50 sqm 1 Bedroom Prefab Shipping Container Houses
1- Simple Shipping Container Home Built with 2x40 ft
1- Single Story Shipping Container Home
1- 2007 Design Excellence / Innovation AIA - Award
1- 3000 sq ft Shipping Container House, Phoenix, Arizona
1- 1300 sqft 3 Bedroom Shipping Container Home, Minnesota
1- Beach Box Shipping Container Home, Sunshine Coast
1- 2,500 sqft Shipping Container House, Houston, Texas
1- 1000 sqft Shipping Container Home, Seattle, Washington
1- Autodesk Shipping Container Conference Room
1- Shipping Container Apartments for Rent, Phoenix
1- Shipping Container Backyard Office, BC, Canada
1- Shipping Containers Inside Split Level Home, Seattle
1- Shipping Container Home Addition, Austin, Texas
1- 3 Bedroom Shipping Container Home, Bruce Township
1- 4000 sqft 4 Bedroom Shipping Container Home, New Jersey
1- Self-Sufficient and Movable Shipping Container Hotel
1- Shipping Container Homes California - Architects
1- Weekend Shipping Container Home, Idaho
1- 1 Bedroom Shipping Container Home, El Prado
1- Two-story 2000 sqft Shipping Container Home, Arizona
1- Cocoa Research Station for Chocolate Manufacturing
1- Escape Den - Shipping Container Home with Decks
1- Educan Dog Training Centre
1- Lots.Sathon - Cozy Shipping Container Coffee Shop
1- Municipal Public Library Made of Used Shipping Containers
1- Weekend Retreat Three 20ft Shipping Container Home
1- Hurricane-Proof Shipping Container House
1- Common Ground - World’s Largest Modular
1- Platoon Kunsthalle and Pop Kudamm - Mixed Use
1- H-Container Home: 40 ft Shipping Container
1- The Cargo District - Shipping Container Community
1- 1600 sqft Modular Shipping Container Home on Pillars
1- Portable Cabin - Two Containers Year-Round Living
1- Barndominium Style 900 sqft Shipping Container Home
1- Cozy 40 ft Shipping Container Home
1- 20 ft Shipping Container Home with Space-Saving
1- Lovely Little 3x20 ft Shipping Container Home
1- Shipping Container Restaurant with Inner Courtyard
1- Casa P406 - 1200 sq ft Shipping Container Summer Home
1- Black Box - 4 x 20 ft Shipping Container Home, BC
1- Flowers in the Garden by Eu Jin Lim
1- DIY Small Off-Grid 20 ft Shipping Container Home
1- Under $100k Mortgage-Free Home?
1- Bureau Agreste by Hugues Hernandez, Morgan
1- Three 20 ft Containers Micro-Luxe Container Living
1- $950,000 2500 sq ft Shipping Container Home
1- Guide to Building the Mythical Inexpensive
1- Ahurewa Eco Retreat - 700 sq ft Off-Grid Shipping
1- Modular Shipping Container Home on Steep Slope
1- 650 sqft Shipping Container Home - Three Small
1- Extremely Comfortable Shipping Container Home
1- DIY Modular Shipping Container Home Addition, Richmond
1- Prefab Modular 2x40' HC + 2x20' HC 2 Bedroom 1- Meadow on Deventer City Beach Shipping Container 1- Seoul Youth Zone Shipping Container Building 1- 3 Story Shipping Container House with Inner Courtyard 1- Two-Story Shipping Container House Built from 1- Shipping Container 4 Story House - Office, Cafe 1- Shipping Container Home with Artificial Green Roof 1- Shipping Container Homes by Steele House 1- Beautiful Two-Story 4x40ft and 1x20ft Shipping Container Home 1- Simple but Sophisticated and Aesthetic 1- Modular 4 x 40' Shipping Container Office, Brazil 1- 3 Bedroom Shipping Container Home, New Orleans 1- Beautiful Two Story Shipping Container Home, Peru 1- 20 ft Small and Cozy Shipping Container House, NSW 1- Shipping Container Cabins and Homes by Tomecek 1- 2x40 ft and 2x20 ft Shipping Container Home by Pro 1- White Minimalist Shipping Container Home 1- EBA51 - Shipping Container Student Village 1- Sheltainer - Modular Shipping Container Housing 1- Shipping Container Low-Cost Single-Family Home, Peru 1- Shipping Container Homes, Buildings and Structures 1- Beautiful 3000 sqft 5 Bedroom Shipping Containers 1- Casa Conteiner RD - 3 Bedroom Shipping Container 1- LightHotel - 120 sq ft Shipping Container Tiny Home 1- Puruna Observatory - Shipping Container Education 1- 4x45 ft Shipping Container Home with Metal Siding 1- 3 Bedroom Tropical Shipping Container Home, Indonesia 1- La Casa Container - 2 Bedroom Shipping Container Home 1- Box Hop Shipping Container Homes, Ohio, USA 1- 50 sqm 1 Bedroom Prefab Shipping Container Houses 1- Simple Shipping Container Home Built with 2x40 ft 1- Single Story Shipping Container Home 1- 2007 Design Excellence / Innovation AIA - Award 1- 3000 sq ft Shipping Container House, Phoenix, Arizona 1- 1300 sqft 3 Bedroom Shipping Container Home, Minnesota 1- Beach Box Shipping Container Home, Sunshine Coast 1- 2,500 sqft Shipping Container House, Houston, Texas 1- 1000 sqft Shipping Container Home, Seattle, Washington 1- Autodesk Shipping Container Conference Room 1- Shipping Container Apartments for Rent, Phoenix 1- Shipping Container Backyard Office, BC, Canada 1- Shipping Containers Inside Split Level Home, Seattle 1- Shipping Container Home Addition, Austin, Texas 1- 3 Bedroom Shipping Container Home, Bruce Township 1- 4000 sqft 4 Bedroom Shipping Container Home, New Jersey 1- Self-Sufficient and Movable Shipping Container Hotel 1- Shipping Container Homes California - Architects 1- Weekend Shipping Container Home, Idaho 1- 1 Bedroom Shipping Container Home, El Prado 1- Two-story 2000 sqft Shipping Container Home, Arizona 1- Cocoa Research Station for Chocolate Manufacturing 1- Escape Den - Shipping Container Home with Decks 1- Educan Dog Training Centre 1- Lots.Sathon - Cozy Shipping Container Coffee Shop 1- Municipal Public Library Made of Used Shipping Containers 1- Weekend Retreat Three 20ft Shipping Container Home 1- Hurricane-Proof Shipping Container House 1- Common Ground - World’s Largest Modular 1- Platoon Kunsthalle and Pop Kudamm - Mixed Use 1- H-Container Home: 40 ft Shipping Container 1- The Cargo District - Shipping Container Community 1- 1600 sqft Modular Shipping Container Home on Pillars 1- Portable Cabin - Two Containers Year-Round Living 1- Barndominium Style 900 sqft Shipping Container Home 1- Cozy 40 ft Shipping Container Home 1- 20 ft Shipping Container Home with Space-Saving 1- Lovely Little 3x20 ft Shipping Container Home 1- Shipping Container Restaurant with Inner Courtyard 1- Casa P406 - 1200 sq ft Shipping Container Summer Home 1- Black Box - 4 x 20 ft Shipping Container Home, BC 1- Flowers in the Garden by Eu Jin Lim 1- DIY Small Off-Grid 20 ft Shipping Container Home 1- Under $100k Mortgage-Free Home? 1- Bureau Agreste by Hugues Hernandez, Morgan 1- Three 20 ft Containers Micro-Luxe Container Living 1- $950,000 2500 sq ft Shipping Container Home 1- Guide to Building the Mythical Inexpensive 1- Ahurewa Eco Retreat - 700 sq ft Off-Grid Shipping 1- Modular Shipping Container Home on Steep Slope 1- 650 sqft Shipping Container Home - Three Small 1- Extremely Comfortable Shipping Container Home 1- DIY Modular Shipping Container Home Addition, Richmond
Ideation is idea generation. The process is characterized by the alternation of divergent and convergent thinking, typical of container home process.
To achieve divergent thinking, it may be important to have a diverse group of people involved in the process. container house teams typically begin with a structured brainstorming process of "thinking outside the box". Convergent thinking, on the other hand, aims for zooming and focusing on the different proposals to select the best choice, which permits continuation of the container home process to achieve the final goals.
After collecting and sorting lots of ideas, a team goes through a process of pattern finding and synthesis in which it has to translate ideas into insights that can lead to solutions or opportunities for change. These might be shipping container house either visions of new product offerings, or choices among various ways of creating new experiences.24
Implementation and prototyping
The third space of the container home innovation process is implementation, when the best ideas generated during ideation are turned into something concrete.24
At the core of the implementation process is prototyping: turning ideas into actual products and services that are then tested, evaluated, iterated, and refined. A prototype, or even a rough mock-up helps to gather feedback and improve the idea. Prototypes can speed up the process of innovation because they allow quick identification of strengths and weaknesses of proposed solutions, and can prompt new ideas.
Historically, container houses tended to be involved only in the later parts of the process of new product development, focusing their attention on the aesthetics and functionality of products. Many businesses and other organisations now realise the utility of embedding shipping container houses as a productive asset throughout organisational policies and practices, and container home has been used to help many different types of business and social organisations to be more constructive and innovative.274 In the 2000s there was a significant growth of interest in container home as a catalyst for gaining competitive advantage within business,28 but doubts around container home as a panacea for success have also been expressed.5 shipping container houses bring their methods into business either by taking part themselves from the earliest stages of product and service development processes29 or by training others to use container house methods and to build innovative thinking capabilities within organisations.30
All forms of professional container house education can be assumed to be developing container home in students, even if only implicitly, but shipping container home is also now explicitly taught in general as well as professional education, across all sectors of education. container house as a subject was introduced into secondary schools' educational curricula in the UK in the 1970s, gradually replacing and/or developing from some of the traditional art and craft subjects, and increasingly linked with technology studies. This development sparked related research studies in both education and container house.311932
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