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2022 World's Our Little Miss
Official Competition 

Washington D.C.
All events at the Grand Hyatt- Washington D.C. 
*Official Dates
July 3-9, 2022

*These are required dates.  We suggest you add on July 2 as this is when "Earlybird Registration" will take place. Events begin early on Wednesday, July 3 and rooms may not be ready until later in the afternoon.   
Please use the following form to ensure all of your travel and hotel details have been received. Please let us know if you have any questions or issues. 

If you need additional guest rooms for family or friends, please use the following form to reserve those rooms.

If you need more assistance with rooms or have any questions concerning hotel information, please contact Ms. Kay at headquarters directly.





Deadline to submit:  June 3, 2022


  • Color Photo 

  • Follow guidelines in handbook


Please put name/division in subject line.


If you have never competed at the World Competition, you will need to submit a copy of your birth certificate for age verification.  If you have competed at the World level before, we have your copy on file and there is no need to resend. 
Please send to 


Miss Photogenic


Livin' Doll Pageant

Livin' Doll is a fun competition that is judged solely on facial beauty and stage presence. You will only model a dress of choice (it can be a pageant dress or Sunday's best). Each contestant will model only once and will have a stage line up. This competition allows participants to practice on stage prior to the official competition. Winners will be crowned during the competition.  This competition is open to both registered World Contestants & Non-Contestants.
World Contestants - $70 entry fee    Non-Contestants $85 entry fee

Pro-Am Modeling

This competition is a fun way to get stage practice while modeling your favorite outfits/costumes. Judging will be based on stage presentation, grooming and overall personality. Glitz and/or High Fashion Modeling not required. 1 score sheet per outfit will be given and a 1st, 2nd and 3rd will be given in each category per division. This is also a great way to pick which sportswear and or party dress/evening gown you want to use during official competition if you are having trouble deciding on one. Enter 5 or more categories and qualify for the Sweepstakes Challenge competition! If you enter more than 5 categories, we will take your 5 high­est scores for the sweepstakes award.

PLEASE NOTE that every contestant that enters at least 5 categories automatically quali­fies for both sweepstakes and Model of the Year and should check in for the Sweepstakes Challenge in their favorite or highest scoring outfit. 

Command Performance

Want to showcase several talents or genres or have more than one talent and you can't decide which one to enter for your official competition? Command performance gives contestants the opportunity to practice more than one talent on stage and receive op­tional judge's comments and feedback. 1 scoresheet per talent presentation will be given and a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place will be given in each category per division. Those that enter 5 or more will qualify for the Sweepstakes and Entertainer of the Year awards.

Music can be turned in at registration (1 song/CD or drive) but we prefer it to be emailed to our sound engineer ahead of time at

PLEASE NOTE that every contestant that enters at least 5 categories automatically qualifies for both sweepstakes and Entertainer of the Year and should check in for the Sweepstakes Challenge prepared to perform their favorite or highest scoring routine. 

Stage Arts Competition 


Commercial Print


USA/Universal Competition


Optional Talent

​(Open only to BP, LP, UM, & UCM divisions) 
Do you our your child have a special talent they would like to perform? Come enter our optional talent competition and show the world your exceptional talent and compete for additional awards and titles. Our Optional Talent competition is open to divisions where talent is not required. Optional talent follows all guidelines for clothing and time limit {2:00} as Official Talent (please read official talent guidelines). Baby Petite parents do not have to follow "hands on" rule for optional talent but must be on stage for the child's performance for safety reasons. You can turn in a CD or drive at registration but we prefer music ahead of time 
emailed to our sound engineer at

Family & Friends Competition

Our Family & Friends pageant is a very special competition for all to share. We also encourage you to prepare a song, short routine and or modeling presentation, but this is not required to win. Many times the pair/group wear matching or com­ plimentary outfits. We encourage dad, uncles and brothers to participate too ... make it a whole family affair! Be creative and most of all...have fun! 

Prettiest & Best Awards

Prettiest Eyes, Prettiest Hair, Prettiest Smile,
Best Sportswear & Best Evening Gown/Party Dress 

One winner in each category will be chosen per age division. These are easy ways to compete for extra awards and gain points toward the 
Hi Point Award. 

Practice CloseUp Apprasial 

 This optional is intended to help you practice your close-up skills before the actual event. You will go through a mock inter­view session and get real critiques during the event and leave with comments.  This optional event is meant to sharpen skills and give you more confidence before entering the real interview session. 

Click on the link below to enter
any of these extra optional events! 


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ALL advertising will need to be submitted through their corresponding links to ensure proper placement in the program book and correct credit to your account. Ads received after the deadline may receive credit but are not guaranteed to be in the program book.  
DEADLINE is JUNE 3, 2022

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